JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Indonesia’ export value reached US$14.74 billion in June 2013, fell 8.6% from May 2013. Compared to June 2012, the figure declined 4.54%.

Non oil and gas export fell 9.26% to US$11.98 billion, or declined 4.44% compared to June 2012.

For the first half ended June 2013, the country’s total export reached US$91.05 billion, a 6.09% declined compared to June 2012. Non oil gas export also fell 2.63% to US$74.77 billion.

While Indonesia’s import value reched US$15.59 billion in June 2013, declined 6.44% from previous month. Compared to June 2012, the figure fell 6.82%.

Year to date, the country’s import value reached US$94.36 billion, declined 2.16% from June 2012. Import of non oil and gas accounted for US$72.26 billion, a 3.67% decline.