VANCOUVER (Yosefardi) – MicroCoal Technologies Inc., formerly Carbon Friendly Solutions Inc., through its unit MicroCoal International Inc. (MCII), has entered into a sales agreement with PT Wijaya Tri Utama (PWTU).

It provides for the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of the first MicroCoal™ commercial facility utilizing the Company’s proprietary ground-breaking coal drying technology.

The contracted price for the construction of the Facility’s installation is USD $6,000,000 (Construction Fee).
The Facility will be located on-site at the PWTU coal-fired power plant on the island of Kalimantan, Indonesia and will be designed to upgrade the calorific value of approximately 190,000 tons per year of low-rank coal (approximately 8,000 Btu/lb.) to a higher calorific coal (approximately 9,000 Btu/lb.) by removing up to 10% of the total moisture.

MicroCoal has concluded that its technology can substantially increase the calorific content of this specific low-rank Indonesian coal above 11,000 Btu/lb. by further reducing the moisture content.