JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The two largest Indonesia cinema chains, Blitzmegaplex and Cineplex 21, could not screen the Hollywood film Noah after the Indonesia Film Censorship Institute (LSF) decided to ban “Noah”film Friday last week (March 21).

Noah is an American film telling about Noah’s Ark adopted from the Old Testament and Koran, where a man is chosen by God to undertake a mission of rescue before a dreadful flood destroys the world.

LSF considered that the film produced by Paramount Pictures is contradictory with the basic teaching of the Koran or the Old Testament.

The LSF chairman, Muklhis Paeni, said LSF opted to ban the film on worries the film directed by Darren Aronofsky would trigger violent protests by the Indonesia’s society.

LSF also noted that the film was also banned by Film Censorship boards in Qatar, Bahrain and United Emirate Arab.

The film is stared by Russel Crowe, Jennifer Connelly and Emma Watson. In the United State of America, Noah is scheduled to be released on March 28, 2014. (oktofani@yosefardi.biz)