JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Panel of judges at the High Court of Jakarta has dropped heavier jail sentence to Fuad Amin Imron, a politician from Prabowo Subianto’s Gerindra Party and former Regent of Bangkalan (East Java), from 8 years to 13 years in prison for proven guilty of receiving bribe worth Rp18.05 billion from PT Media Karya Sentosa (MKS).

In addition, panel of judges also ordered the non-active Speaker of the Bangkalan legislative council (DPRD) to pay Rp1 billion in fine or serving additional 6 months imprisonment.

Panel of judges, moreover, revoked Fuad Amin’s political right to elect and to be elected as public official.

Back in December 1, 2014, Fuad was caught red-handed by KPK’s investigators along with two other suspects in the case in a bribery transaction. KPK seized Rp700 million of bribe money from the transaction.

KPK then charged Fuad with graft and money laundering articles. According to KPK, Fuad’s seized assets, in form of billions rupiah plus lands and properties, amount to the largest number of assets that the KPK ever seized in a graft case. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)