JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Handoyo Sudrajat has tendered his resignation from his position as director general for penitentiaries at the Ministry of Law & Human Rights, Monday (May. 4).

Handoyo told the press that Minister of Law & Human Rights Yasonna Hamonangan Laoly has approved his resignation letter.

But there is no official announcement yet from the Ministry of Law & Human Rights about who replaces Handoyo.

Handoyo was elected as the Ministry of Law & Human Rights’ director general for penitentiaries through an open recruitment conducted back in November 2013.

The penitentiaries directorate general itself is now under public scrutiny after the reveal of narcotics syndicate led by Freddy Budiman. Freddy Budiman led the operation of his narcotics syndicate from jail. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)