JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The family of the late President Abdurrahman Wahid, popularly known as Gus Dur, delivered their crystal clear support for popular Jakarta Governor Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo to take a stand in next year’s presidential election as a president candidate.

Sinta Nuriyah, the widow of the late President, has symbolically expressed her family’s support by putting a cap (locally known as peci) owned by her late husband to Jokowi’s head when Jokowi attended the ceremonial event of the 9th anniversary of the Wahid Institute.

Also attended the annversary were Akbar Tandjung (senior politician from Golkar Party) and Wiranto (a presidential candidate from Hanura Party). While Jokowi, the PDI-P politician, was invited as a keynote speaker in the event.

“We’re ready to support. Pak Jokowi is truly deserved to be endorsed (as a presidential candidate),” said Yenny Wahid, daugther of late Gus Dur, Thursday (Sept 26).

Yenny compared Jokowi’s leadership to her late father, Gus Dur, who had a courage to break through pathetic-bureauracy block.

Yenny praised Jokowi for his policies that depicted his tolerance and his concern to people’s problems, especially the weak and minority groups in the society.

“I don’t care from what party he is. But looking at his work and performance, it’s a new phenomena in Indonesia. I think Jokowi will harvest supports from cross-party,” Yenny said.

Jokowi has just been serving as Jakarta Governor for eleven months. But he, along with Jakarta Vice Governor Basuki ‘Ahok’ Tjahaja Purnama, have succeed to manage some fundamental impacts in the city’s bureaucracy and the city itself.

Despite a lot of existing complicated problems of the city, needs to be solved such as floods and gridlock traffic, Jokowi and Ahok are showing their leadership and strong willingness to build new Jakarta city as they have promised.

One of the monumental example was a series of tests of the so-called lelang jabatan (a local leader open-recruitment).

Another great achievement was the revitalization of Tanah Abang market through an persuasive approaches.

As a result, various recent surveys on Jokowi were very convincing as the man could win in next year’s presidential race.

According to Kompas, Jokowi’s electability has soared to 32.5%, almost doubled from 17.7% in its previous survey in December 2012. Jokowi’s electability is far away from other contenders, including the closest contender, Prabowo Subianto.

The latest survey from Kompas newspaper also shown how has Jokowi’s explosion electability rocketed PDI-P’s poll numbers from 13.3% in its previous survey (December 2012) to 23.6%, a far away from other eleven parties. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)