SYDNEY (Yosefardi) – Gulf Mines Limited advises the first cargo of premium high grade manganese was shipped by Asia Minerals Corporation’s subsidiary PT Asia Mangan Grup on the 7th of February. Gulf have a major shareholding in Asia Minerals Corporation.

As part of Asia Mangan’s export commitment the company will firstly provide the domestic market obligation supplying the Indonesian market.

The initial cargo consisted of 500 tons containerised manganese ore, being the locally preferred logistics method and size. Domestic shipments will increase to 7,000 tons per month following which exports will commence.

Asia Mangan anticipates the first bulk export cargo of 10,000 tons to South Korea will take place during April or May, now the confusion surrounding the export ban has been resolved and PT Asia Mangan Grup is the only licensed and authorised manganese exporter by the Indonesian government.

At full manganese ore production, Asia Mangan will produce 100,000 tons per year for the domestic market and 150,000 tons per year for export.

Asia Minerals Corporation recently announced it had commenced construction of its alloy smelter facility with production planned during the first quarter of 2015, building up to 128,000 tons per year of ferro manganese alloys.