JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The government of Indonesia allocates Rp3 trillion as capital placement for Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) in 2016, the first phase placement of funds to a multilateral financial entity set with other Asia countries late last year.

Finance minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said he will have a discussion with China government in Beijing next week to fix the first phase placement of funds to AIIB.

AIIB is expected to fully operate in early 2016. Members of AIIB are 9 countries of Southeast Asia region, Bangladesh, India, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Mongolia, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, and China. As of now, members of AIIB reach 57 countries.

AIIB aims to support connectivity, integration, and economy including competitiveness of Asia countries. AIIB will also help funding the infrastructure projects, instead of depending to other multilateral countries.