JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The government of Indonesia plans to over through auction 80 solar power plants projects next month, to boost national power capacity by 142 megawatts (MW), or 1-5 MW per unit.

This project will be funded by investors, instead of state budget. Assuming the investment per megawatt of Rp20 billion, then this project might need investment cost of Rp3 trillion.

The interested investor/contractor is also required to submit extra account of 10% of total project value, to ensure their financial capacity.

The auction of the projects will take 4-6 months, then the construction would be commence next year as well as the operation.

The government has set high reference price for solar power plant project at US$25 cent per kilowatt hour (kWh). Currently, installed capacity of solar power plant reaches 132 MW, while its potential power reaches more than 50,000 MW. Solar power capacity only covers 0.003% of national new energy capacity of 44,124 MW.