JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The government has set an economic growth target of 6.4% next year, higher than the revised 2013 growth target of 6.3%.

Inflation, meanwhile, is targeted at 4.5%, substantially smaller than the revised 2013 budget of 7.2%. Rupiah, meanwhile, is targeted weaker at Rp9750/USD against Rp9600 in the revised 2013 budget.

“Through prudent monetary policies, we could maintain economic stability and more realistic value of rupiah,” president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said Friday.

State Budget’s spending for 2014 is set at Rp1817 trillion, expanded 5% from the revised 2013 budget, while budget deficit is expected to decline from 2.38% this year to 1.49% of GDP next year.

“Reducing budget deficit is important to create a healthier and balance budget in the future,” SBY added.