KUTA (Yosefardi) – The government offers 3 blocks of shale gas and oil, raising signature bonus of US$3 million. The said blocks are located in Java area (one block) and Kalimantan (2 blocks).

The offered Blora block in Java has 3000 square kilometers area, Batu Ampar (Kalimantan) 2452 square kilometers, and Central Bangkanai (Kalimantan) 3000 square kilometers.

The government will earn 55% revenue portion for shale gas and 60% interest for shale oil. The government plans to offer 3 blocks of shale gas and 5 blocks of coal bed methane (CBM) in 2016.

That said blocks are located in Jambi, Sumteng Timur, Sumteng Tenggara, Raja, Sumbagsel, Bunga Mas, West Air Komering, and South Bengara.