JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The so-called Youth Axis of Golkar Party has urged Agung Laksono’s Golkar and Aburizal “Ical” Bakrie’s Golkar, the two warring factions in Golkar, to reconcile immediately, Kompas.com reported.

Andi Sinulingga from the Golkar’s Youth Axis, in its press release, pushes both factions to soon hold the party’s reconciliation congress to settle the dispute between both factions.

Andi also said that the Golkar’s Youth Axis hopes both factions would accept the results of the party’s reconciliation congress should the said congress be conducted.

Both warring factions, meanwhile, are expected to hold their first official meeting today (Dec. 23). The two warring factions will try to resolve their difference in the meeting.

As reported earlier, Golkar is divided into two warring factions. Ical was re-elected through the party’s chairmanship congress in Bali. While Agung later was also elected as new Golkar Chairman through another chairmanship congress in Jakarta. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)