JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Less than two months towards the national meeting of Golkar Party in October 2013, the dynamics within the party continue to heat up by recent maneuvers to push the party to seriously evaluate the 2014 presidential bid of Aburizal Bakrie, Chairman of Golkar Party.

Aburizal aka Ical has previously declared his presidential bid in a ceremony at Sentul International Convention Center, Bogor, West Java on July 1, 2012.

Yorris Raweyai, one leader of Golkar’s National Executive Board (DPP), expressed his concern about Aburizal’s chairmanship and as well as Aburizal’s presidential bid, especially the stagnation of his approval rating, that could affect Golkar’s votes in next year’s legislative election.

Yorris, who is also Chairman of the Golkar’s youth wing organization AMPG (the Golkar Party Young Generation), revealed that he will hold AMPG’s national meeting before the upcoming Gokar’s national meeting.

“According to survey results, there’s an anomaly, where (the approval rating of) Golkar is high, while (the approval rating of) our president candidate (Aburizal Bakrie) is static. How come?” Yorris questioned, as quoted by Kompas.com on Tuesday (Sep 3).

Yorris had repeatedly pushed his party to evaluate Aburizal’s presidential candidacy in the October’s Gokar national meeting.

Irsyad Sudiro, senior politician and member of Golkar Advisory Council, told Yosefardi News about how paradox is the approval rating between Golkar and Aburizal.

Previously, Akbar Tandjung, senior politician and chairman of Golkar Advisory Council, had also launched similar criticism to Aburizal.

In December 2012, Akbar along with Golkar Advisory Council had given ultimatum to Aburizal to raise his presidential electability until July 2013 or the Council will be forced to find another solution to ensure the victory of the party in next year’s legislative and presidential elections. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)