JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Plantation firm PT Golden Plantation Tbk (GOLL)  booked net profit pf Rp30.27 billion for first half (H1) of 2016, compared to Rp5.57 billion profit only in the corresponding period of 2015.
Its sales declined to Rp56.76 billion, from Rp67.42 billion, but other income reached Rp48.38 billion (H1/15: Rp717 million).
GOLL’s net cash used in operating activities reached Rp149.86 billion, against Rp16.5 million in H1/15 period. But cash used in investment dropped to Rp39.27 billion, from Rp187.66 billion.
GOLL’s net cash provided by financing activities amounted Rp203.28 billion, against cash used in financing activities of Rp66 billion. The Company booked cash and cash equivalent of Rp16.35 billion.