JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Police Inspector General Djoko Susilo, defendant and former Chief of National Police Traffic Corps (Korlantas), is facing 18 years prison term as demanded by the prosecutors team from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in the Tuesday’s trial of graft case and money laundering case related to the police’s procurement of driving simulator worth Rp198.7 billion (US$21.06 million).

In addition, the prosecutors team also charged Djoko with Rp1 billion in fines which can be substituted with 1 year imprisonment and charged him to pay Rp32 billion compensation for State loses which can be replaced with 5 years imprisonment.

Besides criminal charges, Djoko was also charged for not to be allowed to take any public position in the future.

The prosecutors team considers Djoko to have abused his power in the police’s procurement project of driving simulator by winning PT Citra Mandiri Metalindo Abadi (CMMA) as the tender winner.

As reported earlier, KPK had detained Djoko since December 3, 2012. Djoko allegedly have committed corruption and caused Rp100 billion of State losses. KPK then seized Djoko’s assets, including lands, houses, gas stations and vehicles which is estimated to be worth almost Rp100 billion.

Besides Djoko, KPK also named three other suspects in this case. They are Police Brigadier General Didik Purnomo, former Deputy Chief of National Police Traffic Corps; Budi Susanto, President Director of PT CMMA; and Sukoco S. Bambang, President Director of PT Inovasi Teknologi Indonesia. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)