JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Deddy Kusdinar, graft defendant and former Chief of Financial and Internal Affairs Bureau at the Ministry of Youth & Sports, targets to drag some figures of Cikeas inner circle into jail related to the Hambalang graft case.

Cikeas is referred for private residence of the president and his family.

On Tuesday’s trial, prosecutors from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) demanded a 9 years jail term for Deddy Kusdinar. The prosecutors also demanded Deddy to pay Rp300 million in fines which can be substitute with 12 months jail term.

According to the prosecutors, Deddy had violated article 3 of the Anti-Corruption Law No. 31/1999. Deddy had collected Rp1.4 billion from the Hambalang project.

Deddy’s lawyer Samsul Hadi revealed that his client was shocked and will reveal some names as the real masterminds of the controversial Hambalang project.

Samsul demans KPK to pursue some figures involved on the case such as Andi Alfian Mallarangeng, Anas Urbaningrum, Mahfud Suroso, Andi Zulkarnain Mallarangeng aka Choel, and figures linked to Cikeas.

Samsul mentioned Sylvia Sholehah aka Bu Pur, one of figures linked to Cikeas, who was also involved in the Hambalang graft case. Bu Pur had been questioned as witnesses in the case by KPK. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)