JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – PT Erajaya Swamsembada Tbk (ERAA), the country’s largest ICT retailer, has secured additional loan facility of Rp800 billion from PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BBCA), Bisnis Indonesia reported this morning.

The company had earlier secured loan facility of Rp1.2 trillion from BBCA. The loan is a joint borrowing, provided to ERAA’s subsidiaries.

ERAA needs capital of Rp1.87 trillion for achieving revenue target of Rp15 trillion in 2014. It targets to book revenue of Rp13.5 trillion and net profit of Rp400 billion this year.

The company booked net profit of Rp238.03 billion in first nine months of this year, on net sales of Rp9.56 trillion. Its assets totaled Rp5.1 trillion while liability amounted Rp2.46 trillion.