SINGAPORE (Yosefardi) – EOC Limited reported revenue for third quarter of this year (3Q FY2013) was USD 12.3 million, a decrease of 36% or USD 7.0 million from USD 19.3 million in 3Q FY2012. It suffered net loss of US$549,000, widened from US$22 in 3Q FY2012.

EOC Limited is a leading global offshore contractor and provider of integrated offshore solutions to the oil and gas industry.

The Group is headquartered in Singapore and owns as well as operates three construction and accommodation units (including one with heavy-lift and pipe laying capability) and two floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) systems.

EOC Limited operates across key regions of exploration and production (E&P) activity in Asia, including in Brunei, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Middle East, the Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand.