JAKARTA (Indonesia Today) ??? The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has on Wednesday (Sept 12) detained businesswoman and former advisor of President SBY’s Demokrat Party Siti Hartati Murdaya after almost eight hours of examination in a graft case, despite her bad medical condition.

Hartati, burst into tears, was brought by KPK detention vehicle to the East Jakarta Detention Center for the next 20 days. The businesswoman is alleged of bribing Buol Regent Amran Batalipu to protect her business interest in the area.

On the wheelchair, Hartati explained that she has never bribed anyone, and claimed that she was betrayed by his director, who actually bribed the Buol Regent and using her name. Hartati revealed that the saddest thing is, there are a lot of people depending on her. ???There are a lot of people depend on me. I just want this trouble to be over soon,??