JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Democratic party denied allegation it is trying to take advantage in the corruption cases implicating Golkar-linked person.

Max Sopacua, deputy chairman of Democratic Party claimed Golkar as too sensitive in alleging Democratic party takes advantage from corruption cases of Akil Mochtar and Ratu Atut, fot attacking Golkar party.

Max underlined that both cases are the current facts and Golkar should not disrupt the legal process.

Electability of Democratic Party, Max continued, could raise without using incident such the arrest of Akil and Ratu Atut’s graft examination. He also demands Golkar to focus on the party’s attempt to raise electability instead of attacking each others. “Let’s think rationally in the future to raise electability,” said Max.

Previously Indra Piliang, Head of Golkar Research and Development, claimed that President SBY used the momentum of Akil arrest and coverage of Ratu Atut’s political dynasty to attack Golkar’s party. (indrab@yosefardi.biz)