JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The ruling Democratic Party led by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono continues its effort in promoting Minister of Trade Gita Wirjawan (founder of Ancora Group) and popular Jakarta Governor Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo (PDI-P politician) as a pair presidential candidate of next year’s presidential race.

“They are a ‘deadly duet’ for 2014. No one can compete with them,” said Kastorius Sinaga, one executive of Democratic Party’s Central Executive Board, on Tuesday (May 21).

Kastorius added that both Gita and Jokowi are media darling and good examples about phenomenal young leaders in 21th century.

This is not the first time for Kastorius in promoting Gita – Jokowi pair. As reported earlier, Kastorius also claimed that SBY has endorsed Gita to run in the presidential race.

Separately, Deputy Secretary General of Democratic Party Ramadhan Pohan also expressed his support on Gita – Jokowi pair.

“Both of them can be a good combination. And for Jokowi, his chance is only in 2014,” Ramadhan said.

However, Democratic Party will just name its president candidate for 2014 race through its national convention as scheduled to be held next month.

Previously, observers have viewed the Democratic Party convention is just an effort to raise the party’s image and as well its electability which already crashed into less than 10% after winning 2009 election with 20% votes.
Observers also viewed the convention as a move to divert attention from legal problems involving politicians and lawmakers from the Democratic Party.

Gita and Jokowi, meanwhile, have repeatedly shown to public their togetherness moments in the last few days. Latest, both Gita and Jokowi were invited to be a guest news presenter in Liputan6, a news program broadcasted in SCTV – a television station controlled by Sariaatmadja’s family. (haryanto@yosefardi.com)