JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Jimly Ashiddiqqie has suggested the Anti-graft Commission (KPK) to charge Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Akil Mochtar with death sentence.

Akil was arrested by KPK Wednesday night (Oct 2) along with Chairun Nisa (a member of the House Commission II from Golkar Party) and a businessman identified as CN at his official residence at Jl Widya Chandra III No 7, South Jakarta.

They were reportedly arrested related to bribery in the handling of post election dispute in Gunung Mas Regency, Central Kalimantan. At the scene, KPK’s investigators also confiscated around Rp3 billion of cash money.

Jimly, who currently serves as the Election Organizers Ethics Council (DKPP), told Detik.com on Thursday (October 3) that the death sentence is necessarily needed to give a deterrent effect. Furthermore, according to Jimly, Akil’s position as the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court is the highest position in Indonesian judiciary system.

“KPK should be brave to asking death sentence.. Let judges later decide whether or not to drop it,” said Jimly.

Chairman of the KPK Abraham Samad also expressed similar view. “I agree with Pak Jimly.. KPK will further discuss the possibility,” Samad stated.

KPK, in the same time, also arrested Hambit Bintih, the Regent of Gunung Mas, and a businessman identified as DH at Redtop Hotel in Pecenongan, Central Jakarta.

A dispute over the election of Gunung Mas Regent is currently handled by the Constitutional Court, where Akil serves as the presiding judge. The trial of the dispute has entered the final process of decision making. Akil Mochtar is a former lawmaker from Golkar party currently led by Aburizal Bakrie. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)