HONG KONG (Yosefardi) – Datang International Power Generation Co ltd, one of the largest independent power producers in China, booked net profit of RMB2.02 billion in the first half of 2013, jumped by 74.97% from the corresponding period of 2012.

“The steady increase in profit was mainly due to decrease in coal prices, substantial rebound of coal-fired power generation business as well as profit contribution from wind power generation and other new energy projects,” Datang Power said in a disclosure to the stock exchange of Hong Kong today.

Total operating cost of the group declined 4.12% in the period as unit price of standard coal for power generation dropped by RMB130/ton over the corresponding period of 2012.

As at June 30, 2013, the installed capacity of generating units of Datang Power reached 38,629 MW, of which coal-fired power plants accounted for 32,269 MW or 83.54% of the total generating capacity.