JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has just named Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Akil Mochtar as suspect in graft case related in the handling of post elections disputes.

KPK Chief Abraham Samad, in a press briefing on Thursday (October 3) noon, explained that Akil Mochtar has been named as graft suspect for receiving bribery money in the handling of post elections disputes of Gunung Mas Regency (Central Kalimantan) and Lebak Regency (Banten).

Samad said that Akil will be charged with article 12 of the Anti-Corruption Law juncto article 55 paragraph 1 point 1 of the Indonesian Criminal Code (KUHP) or article 6 paragraph 2 juncto article 55 paragraph 1 point 1 of the KUHP.

Samad also said that KPK will conduct further investigation on the possible involvement of other Constitutional Court Judges.

According to Samad, KPK also named three other people related to the bribery case of post election dispute of Gunung Mas Regency. They are Hambit Bintih, the Regent of Gunung Mas; Chairun Nisa, a member of the House Commission II from Golkar Party; and Cornelis, a businessman. KPK also confiscated cash money in US$ and Sin$ amounting Rp3 billion allegedly given to Akil.

While in the bribery case of post election dispute of Lebak Regency, KPK also named Tubagus Chaery Wardana aka Wawan, a businessman. KPK also confiscated around Rp1 billion of cash money also allegedly given to Akil.

Tubagus Chaery Wardana is also known as brother of Banten Governor Ratu Atut Chosiyah and husband of South Tangerang Mayor Airin Rachmi Diany. Both Ratu Atut and Airin are politician from Golkar Party, currently led by Aburizal Bakrie. Akil Mochtar himself is also a former lawmaker from Golkar Party. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)