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JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – PT Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) Tbk (BBTN) targets to book net profit of more than Rp2 trillion next year, compared to Rp1.5-1.7 trillion estimated for this year.

The bank targets its loan to grow by 18% next year, slower than 22-23% this year. It targets its assets to grow by 15-17% to Rp128 trillion while third party funds is expected to grow by 17-18%.

BTN booked net profit of Rp1.06 trillion in first nine months of this year on net interest income of Rp4.14 trillion. The bank’s assets totaled Rp123.32 trillion of which credits amounted Rp89.06 trillion. BTN’s third party funds reached Rp88.53 trillion.