JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – PT Berau Coal Energy Tbk (BRAU) suffered loss of US$31.18 million in first nine months of this year, narrowed from restated loss US$114.04 million in the same period of last year.

Sales declined to US$1.08 billion from previous US$1.12 billion. Cost of goods sold reached US$808.52 million.

Coal sales to Noble Resources reached US$187.08 million, representing 17% of total coal sales of Berau Coal. In first nine months of 2012, coal sales to Noble only totaled US$76.83 million, or 7% of total coal sales.

While coal sales to Taiwan Power Company reached US$171.18 million (16%) and coal sales to PT Indonesia Power declined to US$129.76 million from previous US$164.06 million.

Its assets totaled US$2.04 billion while liability amounted US$1.83 billion. The company has cash and cash equivalent of US$391.68 million.