JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Muslim-based Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) is facing serious threat of dissolution if the party was proven of receiving flow of funds related to the money laundering case of beef import quota.

The threat is real following investigation from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) that continues dragging PKS’ leaders, including PKS patron leader Hilmi Aminuddin and PKS President Anis Matta, for their involvement allegations in the beef money laundering case.

Latest, the Anti Money Laundering Board PPATK revealed it found that the funds from Ahmad Fathanah, a key suspect in the case, flew into 45 women from 2005 to 2013. Muhammad Yusuf, Head of PPATK, said that PPATK has delivered the report to KPK. But Yusuf was reluctant to reveal any details related to those 45 women.

KPK itself has summoned and examined several women linked to Fathanah as witnesses in the beef money laundering case. KPK also already seized money and assests from the ladies. They were among others Ayu Azhari (celebrity), Vitalia Shesya (model), Sefti Sanustika (Dangdut singer and wife of Fathanah), Tri Kurnia Rahayu (Dangdut singer), and Dewi Kirana (Dangdut singer). Today, KPK has trying to summon Darin Mumtazah, a Senior High School student, who allegedly has relationship with Luthfi Hasan Ishaaq, suspect in the case and former President of PKS.

PKS’ leaders and cadres, however, denied money laundering allegations on flowing of funds from Ahmad Fathanah to their party.

“KPK and PPATK had stated that there’s no flow of funds into PKS. If there any flow of funds to each individual, then investigate it. But that’s not linked to (PKS) institution,” Nasir Djamil, lawmaker from PKS, claimed.

Furthermore, Fahri Hamzah, another lawmaker from PKS, earlier suggested that the first party supposedly to be dissolved is the Democratic Party, a party currently led by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Fahri pointed to some cases, including Hambalang and Athlete Dormitory projects, were linked to the Democratic Party. The cases had dragged a lot of Democratic Party’s leaders as suspects and convicts, including former Democratic Party Chairman Anas Urbaningrum and former Democratic Party politician Andi Alfian Mallarangeng, who is also former Minister of Youth & Sports.

The dissolution of a party as one form of corporation is regulated in the Anti Money Laundering Law No.8/2010, especially in Article 7. (haryanto@yosefardi.com)