VANCOUVER (Yosefardi) – Barisan Gold Corporation had applied for a suspension of its Izin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP) at Abong while it seeks formal support from the timber company, which controls the forestry and surface rights at Abong.

Abong gold project is located in the Province of Aceh, Indonesia.

The regency government of Aceh Tengah granted its approval for the suspension, valid for an initial period of 1 year from July 19, 2013 to July 18, 2014.

The suspension guarantees that Barisan Gold will have enough time to complete drilling and feasibility studies prior to the end of the 7-year exploration period as the suspension basically stops the clock.

On August 19, 2013, Barisan Gold received formal support from the Province of Aceh, allowing Barisan Gold to proceed with its application for a borrow-use forestry permit at its Abong gold project with the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry.