JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk, the oldest sharia bank in Indonesia, expects to get capital injection next year, to support its business expansion, Bisnis.com reported.

Currently the bank’s capital adequacy ratio (CAR) reaches around 14%. It targets loan to grow by 10% in 2016, to maintain its CAR at 13-14% next year.

As at June 2015, Bank Muamalat’s assets reached Rp55.86 trillion while liability amounted Rp51.72 trillion.

Muamalat is now controlled by Islamic Development Bank (IDB) with 32.74%, National Bank of Kuwait with 30.45%, Atwill Holdings Ltd with 17.91%, IDF Foundation with 3.48%, BMF Holdings 2.84%, and other shareholders.