JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – PT Bank Mayapada Tbk (MAYA) announces on prospectus this morning it will issue 386.47 million new shares through pre-emptive rights scheme, representing 11.11% of its enlarged capital.

The exercise price of rights is set for Rp780 per share, then total proceeds reaches Rp301.45 billion. Each shareholder with 8 old shares recorded at October 10, 2013 is entitled to buy new shares.

Trading of rights is scheduled for October 16-22, 2013. Brilliant Bazaar Pte will act as standby buyer for rights issue of Bank Mayapada. Currently Briliant Bazaar holds 8.36% shares of Bank Mayapada.

Other shareholders (series B of shares) are Summertime Ltd (24.43%), PT Mayapada Karunia (15.62%), CGMI 1 Client Safekeeping Account (19.20%), public (16.85%), and PT Mayapada Kasih (2.9%). Mayapada Karunia also hold 9.69% shares of series A.