SYDNEY (Yosefardi) – Arc Exploration Limited has commenced drilling on the Trenggalek project in East Java with its joint venture partner, Anglo American, who are fully funding the program.

The Trenggalek project lies in the prospective Southern Mountains Province of East Java, which contains the giant Tumpangpitu porphyry copper-gold deposit in the Tujuh Bukit district.

The current program is planned to test a number of geophysical targets associated with possible porphyry copper-gold systems located beneath large near-surface alteration features.

The first target to be tested is the recently identified Jerambah Prospect, located about 2 km southwest of the Buluroto epithermal gold-breccia prospect on the southern side of the Trenggalek tenement.

The Trenggalek Exploration IUP tenement covers 300 square kilometers and is located in the same arc segment that hosts the giant Tumpangpitu porphyry gold-copper deposit in the Southern Mountains of East Java.