JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) revealed on Monday (May 4) that April 2015 inflation was 0.36%, compared to 0.17% inflation in March 2015.

Off 82 cities, 72 cities recorded inflation, highest occurred in Tual (1.31%) and the lowest occurred in Cilacap Padang and Cilacap (0.02%). Meanwhile 10 cities recorded deflation, highest occurred in Manokwari (0.69%) and the lowest occurred in Sukabumi and Kendari with 0.03% each.

The inflation in April 2015 was contributed by processed food, beverages, cigarettes, and tobacco (0.50%), housing, water, electricity, gas, fuel (0.22%), clothing (0.24%), health (0.38%), education, recreation, and sport (0.05%), and transportation, communication, finance services (1.80%). While staple food contributed deflation of 0.79%.