JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The panel of judges at the Jakarta Corruption Court has on Wednesday (July 2) sentenced Anggoro Widjojo, a suspect and owner of PT Masaro Radiokom, for 5 years in jail.

Anggoro was proven of bribing Malem Sambat Kaban aka MS Kaban (former Minister of Forestry) and eight former lawmakers of 2004-2009 period related to the 2007 procurement of an integrated radio communications system (SKRT) at the Ministry of Forestry, Kompas.com reported.

In addition, panel of judges also ordered Anggoro to pay Rp250 million in fine or to serve an additional two months in jail.

According to the panel of judges, Anggoro delivered a bribe money in several installments to the official house of Kaban, who at that time Minister of Forestry, amounting to Sin$40,000 and US$45,000 in cash and also traveler cheque worth Rp50 million.

The panel of judges added that Anggoro also financed Kaban, who is now Chairman of the Crescent Star Party (PBB), to build an elevator at the PBB’s headquarter at Menara Dakwah Building.

Panel of judges also concluded that Anggoro has proven guilty for bribing eight former lawmakers at the House Commission IV of 2004-2009 period. They are Yusuf Erwin Faisal, Fahri Andi Leluasa, Azwar Chesputra, Hilman Indra, Muhtaruddin, Sujud Sirajudin, Suswono, and Nurhadi.

Anggoro, meanwhile, stated that he has accepted the verdict. While there is official statement yet from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on whether or not they will soon proceed the names, mentioned by panel of judges, who have received bribe money from Anggoro. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)