JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Tri Dianto, a loyalist to the ousted Democratic Party chairman Anas Urbaningrum and former Head of Democratic Party’s Cilacap chapter, asked the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to summon President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and his youngest son, Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono aka Ibas.

KPK is urged to call SBY and Ibas for an examination session related to the allegation of flow of funds from the controversial Hambalang sport center project to the Democratic Party chairmanship congress back in 2010.

The suggestion could trigger further friction between both supporters of Anas and SBY.

Ibas acts as Steering Committee of the Democratic Party’s congress while SBY is Chairman of Democratic Party’s Advisory Council.

“They (Ibas and SBY) were the caretakers of the Democratic Party’s Congress in Bandung (back in 2010) and also campaign team of Andi (Andi Alfian Mallarangeng). It is wrong KPK summons me,” said Tri Dianto at the KPK’s building Thursday (Oct. 31).

Previously, KPK has examined Marzuki Alie (House Speaker and Democratic Party politician), Andi Mallarangeng (former Sports Minister and former Democratic Party politician, Ramadhan Pohan (lawmaker and Deputy Secretary General of Democratic Party), and other Democratic Party leaders.

As reported earlier, KPK continues its effort in revealing allegation of flow of funds from the Hambalang project to the 2010 Democratic Party Congress. Anas Urbaningrum and Andi Mallarangeng are currently suspects in the Hambalang graft case. Andi has been detained by KPK. While Anas has yet been detained, but lost his chairmanship in February 2013 as SBY took over the position. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)