JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Amien Rais, the Chairman of the Advisory Council of the National Mandate Party (PAN) and former Speaker of People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR), has harvested criticism from readers across the country for his insulting statements against Jakarta Governor Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo.

As reported earlier, Amien, for once again, attacked Jokowi. He compares Jokowi to the former Philippine President Joseph Estrada, who, according to Amien, always gets drunk.

In a public lecture at Diponegoro University in Semarang, Amien said there was a similarity between Jokowi and Estrada, being elected merely because of popularity.

He also urged the Diponegoro University students not to vote for Jokowi as president only because of his popularity, which according to Amien was mostly result of media coverage.

Commenting to Amien’s insulting statements, Jokowi calmly answered with a joke by saying he has a more handsome face than Estrada. Jokowi said he has no intention to give more comments on Amien’s statements. “My duty is to take care Jakarta,” said Jokowi.

“How the hell a so-called Stateman talked like that!” said one reader quoted by Kompas.com. “I once respected Amien Rais. But, now I drop that,” another reader commented.

One reader of Kompas.com also expects PAN would only get 1% votes in next year’s legislative election. “Bung Amien, did you take wrong medicine or what?” Tribunnews.com quoted one reader.

One reader of Tempo.co considers Amien as just a hero in talking wise as Amien failed in managing his party. “It’s not you to judge Jokowi, but the people,” the reader commented. “At least, Jokowi has resolved the problems step by step,” another reader commented on Tempo.co.

Detik.com also quoted its reader statement saying Jokowi has shown his integrity and hard work for people, not similar to Estrada as a corrupt officer.

“F..k! Amien Rais has since years ago been a trouble maker, a propagandist,” told another reader through Detik.com.

“Thanks Pak Amien! You made a blunder and it boosts Jokowi’s popularity as president candidate for 2014 Presidential Election,” another reader said through Detik.com.

Amien Rais lost his bid for presidency in 2004 presidential election.

Amien at that time was Chairman of PAN. Now, PAN has declared to endorse its current Chairman, Hatta Rajasa (Coordinating Minister for Economy and father-in-law of President SBY’s youngest son), as presidential candidate. Amien has earlier also paired Hatta with Jokowi for 2014 presidential race. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)