JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Directors of logistic company AKR Corporindo (AKRA) have offloaded their ownership in the company in the past few trading days.

Mery Sofi, one of the directors, for example, offloaded 250,000 shares at Rp6000/share on June 4th, reducing her ownership to 540,000 shares.

Jimmy Tandyo, other director, sold 69,000 shares on June 5th at Rp6050/share, reducing his ownership to 6.93 million shares.

Nery Polim, meanwhile, offloaded all of 433,000 shares at Rp5583/shares on June 3rd, 2013.

AKRA closed lower by 4.2% to Rp5700 Friday (June 7th). The stock has gained substantially from as low as Rp3300 in August 2012.