JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Attorney General HM Prasetyo revealed that the Attorney General Office (AGO) will soon execute foreign citizens sentenced to death for drug trafficking, including two Australian citizens known as the Bali Nine duo.

Prasetyo also said the execution will be conducted over other foreign drug traffickers from France, Brazil, Ghana, Cordoba, and Philippine. According to Prasetyo, the execution will be conducted altogether with one Indonesian death-row drug convict.

Prasetyo, however, has yet revealed the place of the execution.

In a different place, Vice President Jusuf Kalla stated that it is difficult for the Indonesian government to grant clemency for the two Australian citizens, Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan, as asked by the Australian Prime Minister. Kalla said the government will only execute the court verdict that dropped death sentence to the Bali Nine duo.

Previously, six convicted drug dealers were executed by firing squads on Jan. 18. They were Dutch citizen Ang Kim Soei, Brazilian citizen Marco Archer Cardoso Mareira, Malawi citizen Namaona Deni, Nigerian citizen Daniel Enemua, Indonesian citizen Rani Andriani aka Melisa Aprilia, and Vietnamese citizen Tran Thi Bich Hanh.

The first five were shot to death on the Nusakambangan Island, whereas the one Vietnamese woman was executed in the Boyolali District of Central Java. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)