JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Attorney General Office (AGO) has detained Herdian Koosnadi, a PDI-P politician, related to the graft case of medical equipment procurement project at the South Tangerang city administration implicating Tubagus Chaeri Wardana aka Wawan.

Sarjono Turin from the AGO confirmed on Thursday (Mar. 19) about the detainment over the PDI-P politician. Sarjono said Herdian will be detained for next 20 days.

Herdian Koosnadi, also Commissioner PT Mitra Karya Rattan, is one of seven suspects in the case. Six other suspects are Wawan (Golkar politician and brother of former Banten Governor Ratu Atut Chosiyah), Dadang M. Epid (Head of the South Tangerang’s Health office), Neng Ulfah (Secretary of the South Tangerang’s Health office), Mamak Jamaksari (Division Head of the South Tangerang’s Health office), Suprijatna Tamara (Commissioner PT Trias Jaya Perkasa), and Desy Yusandi (Director PT Bangga Usaha Mandiri).

Herdian was actually an elected PDI-P lawmaker from the Banten III electoral region (dapil) in the 2014 legislative election. But he failed to be inaugurated as lawmaker at the House of Representatives (DPR) following AGO’s decision to name him as graft suspect. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)