PHILADELPHIA (Yosefardi) – Aberdeen Indonesia Fund, Inc., a closed-end equity fund, invested 44.2% of its total portfolio assets in consumers segment in Indonesia as of May 31, 2013, compared to 41% as of April 30, 2013.

On May 31, 2013, the Fund’s net assets amounted to US$136.8 million and the Fund’s NAV per share was $14.43.

Aberdeen Indonesia invested 23.6% of net assets in consumer staples and 20.6% in consumer discretionary. It also invested 22.5% of net assets in financials, materials 12.5%, industrials 6.1%, telecommunications 5.5%, energy 3.2% and utilities 2.6%.

The Fund’s ten largest equity holdings as of May 31, 2013, representing 61.4% of net assets, were Bank Permata 9.7%, Bank OCBC NISP 8.3%, Unilever Indonesia 7.8%, Holcim Indonesia 7%, Jardine Cycle and Carriage 6.7%, Multi Bintang Indonesia 5.8%, Astra International 4.6%, Vale Indonesia 3.9%, and ACE Hardware Indonesia 3.8%.