JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) has finally decided to remain in the ruling coalition endorsed SBY-Boediono’s administration amidst looming graft cases involving the party’s leaders and politicians.

“Last week in the PKS Majelis Syuro [the party’s highest level of consultative meeting], we decided to stay within the ruling coalition,” Salim Segaf Al Jufri, member of the PKS Majelis Syuro, told Detik.com on Tuesday (May 28).

Several PKS politicians had previously dismissed the possibility of the party reneging the ruling coalition. Fahri Hamzah, PKS Deputy Secretary General and lawmaker at the House Commission III were amongst those who made the suggestion to leave the coalition. Another PKS senior politician, Refrizal, confirmed that there were many PKS cadres in the regions who are in agreement with Fahri.