JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) has been urged to reveal its latest audit investigative report on the Hambalang sport center graft case to public to give people access to monitor the investigation process of the case.

As reported earlier, BPK has delivered its second audit investigative report on Hambalang graft case to the House of Representatives (DPR), Friday (Aug 23). Unfortunately, both BPK and DPR were reluctant to publish those reports to public arguing informations are meant as state secret.

Responding to arguments from BPK and DPR, Alamsyah Saragih, former Chairman of the Central Information Commission (KIP), said that BPK’s audit investigative report on Hambalang graft case no longer can be categorized as state secret.

Alamsyah pushed BPK and DPR to open the people access to the report. “Any report that already delivered to DPR must be opened to public,” said Alamsyah.

Other activists from the Civil Society Alliance for Democracy (Yappika) and Indonesia Budget Center (IBC) also expressed similar concerns. “We’re worried that it will become political transactional,” said Hendrik Yosdinar from Yappika.

Media earlier reported that the audit results from BPK would likely drag more lawmakers. According to media reports, the budget allocation for Hambalang sports center project was passed by 9 lawmakers in Commission X of The House (overseeing education and sport) back in 2010.

The lawmakers, including Mahyuddin N.S (Democrat), Rully Chaerul Azwar(Golkar) and Heri Akhmadi (PDI-P), had approved the Rp600 billion budget allocation for the controversial project.

KPK so far has named several people as suspects on this case, including former Sports Minister Andi Mallarangeng and former Democratic Party Chairman Anas Urbaningrum. However, none of them has been arrested. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)