JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Agus Martowardojo has been sworn in as new governor of Bank Indonesia Friday (May 24) morning.

Agus, former minister of finance and CEO of state bank Mandiri, replaces Darmin Nasution as boss of the central bank for the period of 2013-2018.

Bank Indonesia is currently in the transition period for its banking supervision role, because by January 2014 the role will be assumed by Financial Services Authority (OJK). BI under Agus will be focused more on monetary policies.

Agus Dermawan Wintarto Martowardojo was born in Amsterdam in January 1956. He was appointed minister of finance in May 2010 to replace Sri Mulyani Indrawati. Muhammad Chatib Basri, meanwhile, has been appointed to replace Agus as minister of finance.