JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Supreme Court made a controversial verdict with granting judicial review filed by the wife of Sujiono Timan, PT Bahana case corruption convict, and releasing the fugitive from all charges.

Through verdict No 97 PK/Pid.Sus/2012, Supreme Judge Suhadi, declared that the previous verdict in cassation process contained legal error. Suhadi claimed that the cassation verdict declared that Sujiono committed act against the law. He added that it should be adjudicated with civil law instead of penal code.

“The state loss and Timan’s profit could not be calculated since it was a loan,” saud Suhadi as quoted by detik.com.

In 2004 trough the Supreme Court decision led by Bagir Manan, Sudjiono Timan was found guilty committed corruption with abusing his authority. As president director of PT Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia, Timan gave credit facilities to various companies, which lead to more than US$120 million state loss.

The judges also ordered Timan to pay US$98 million compensation.

However, the verdict cannot be executed as the convict ran away from Indonesia. Short after that he was declared a fugitive. Several reports pointed that Timan’s is currently residing in Singapore.