JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The government of Indonesia has debts of Rp2,102.56 trillion as of July 2013 with debt to GDP ratio of 25.5%. Indonesia’s GDP reached Rp8,241.9 trillion.

Debts in US dollar denomination reached US$320.48 billion. The government debts consist of loan Rp600.94 trillion, central government’s bilateral loan of Rp339.31 trillion, multilateral loan Rp233.72 trillion, commercial loan Rp25.77 trillion, and domestic loan Rp1.82 trillion.

The government plans to make new loan of Rp215.4 trillion this year for covering budget deficit of Rp224.2 trillion.

The government spending this year is set for Rp1,726.2 trillion with budget deficit set at 2.38% of GDP.