BOGOR (Yosefardi) – At least 17 people died in the bus fall-off accident in Cisarua, Bogor. From the 17 casualties, 14 of them are found dead in the accident scene.

Wile the rest three passed away during the medical treatment process. The accident also injured at least 37 people, including the local residents.

“Giri Indah” Bus with 60 passengers fell off to the 8 meters deep river in North Tugu Village, Cisarua Sub-district, Bogor on Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2013.

Martinus Sitompul, Public Relation Head of West Java Police, revealed that the bus hit a carry pick up before falling off.

“The bus was driven pretty fastly from Cianjur to Bogor, but lost control on a downhill road,” said Martinus as quoted by

Until now the injured victims was still on the medical treatment process, while the police is still holding the investigation to find the cause of the accident. (