JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Ministry of defense will get budget allocation of Rp83.4 trillion next year, higher than education and cultural affairs ministry’s Rp82.7 trillion.

Ministry of public works, meanwhile, will get Rp74.9 trillion budget, followed by religious affairs ministry (Rp49.6 trillion), health (Rp44.9 trillion), National Police (Rp41.5 trillion), and transportation ministry (Rp39.2 trillion).

Overall, spending for civil servants will grow 18.8% to Rp276.7 trillion next year, while total capital expenditures of all State ministries and agencies will only grow 6.9% to Rp205.8 trillion.

“Capital expenditures will be prioritized to support resilience in energy, food, domestic logistics, and mitigation & adaptation to climate changes,” said president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Friday (August 16).

Included in the capital expenditures will be investments of state-owned enterprises, especially in electricity, gas pipelines, mini LNG refineries, etc.