SINGAPORE (Yosefardi) – Homegrown real estate crowd-funding company CoAssets Pte Ltd, which was recently listed on the National Stock Exchange of Australia to form CoAssets Limited hosted its first EPIC (Expo for Property, Investing and Crowdfunding) event in Surabaya, Indonesia, on Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 December.

The event was organised in conjunction with CoAssets’ Indonesian joint venture PT Java Land Promosia Indonesia and will pave the way for more campaigns and initiatives in the country. This was an expo over two days with more than 500 attendees.

Delegates included the Chairman of the East Java Investment Board and the Governor of East Java. Bank Mandiri, Indonesia’s national bank, was a major partner of the event, in addition to educational institutions, Indonesian European University and Ciputra University.

The aim of the event was to raise awareness of crowdfunding and CoAssets in Indonesia. Most encouragingly, EPIC demonstrated the Government’s support towards technological innovation in the financial sector. The East Java Investment Board sees the vast potential that financial technology and investment platforms can bring to support small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurs in East Java.

A major growth opportunity exists for crowdfunding, as land acquisition by developers in Indonesia cannot be funded by domestic bank loans. As a result, local property players are increasingly open to tapping offshore bond and bank loan markets or alternative methods of funding, which is a niche that PT CoAssets Javaland Indonesia seeks to penetrate.