JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The prosecutor team from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has demanded panel of judges to sentence Amir Hamzah, a graft suspect and former Regent candidate of Lebak from the Golkar Party, to five years in prison for bribing Akil Mochtar, graft convict and former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK).

On the Thursday’s (Nov. 26) trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court, the KPK’s prosecutor also demanded panel of judges to sentence Amir Hamzah’s running mate, Kasmin, to four years in prison.

Furthermore, the KPK’s prosecutor demanded panel of judges to order both Amir and Kasmin to pay Rp150 million in fine or serving additional two months imprisonment respectively.

The KPK’s prosecutor alleged Amir and Kasmin altogether with former Governor of Banten Ratu Atut Chosiyah and his younger brother Tubagus Chaeri Wardhana aka Wawan for bribing Akil Mochtar with Rp1 billion cash when handling a post-election dispute of Lebak regency (Banten) back in 2013.

Atut and Wawan are also known as Golkar politicians. While Akil is known as former Golkar lawmaker.

In this case, Atut and Wawan had been sentenced to seven years in prison respectively after the Supreme Court (MA) rejecting their appeal early this year. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)