PADANG (Yosefardi) – PT BPD Sumatra Barat (Bank Nagari) posted 37% growth in net profit to Rp222 billion in January-September 2015 period, from Rp162 billion in the corresponding period of 2014, thanks to lower deposits interest expenses.

Net interest margin was 6.83% while ratio of operating expenses toward operating profit is cut to 83.83%. Deposits and gyro almost cover 60% of the bank’s third party funds.

The bank’s assets increased 7.67% to Rp20.20 trillion while third party funds rose 5.4% to Rp15.40 trillion. The bank’s credit also increased 9.58% to Rp14.40 trillion.

Its capital adequacy ratio (CAR) was 15.86%, non performing loan (NPL) reached 2.96%, and loan to deposit ratio (LDR) stood at 89.83%.