JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The prosecutor team from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) demanded panel of judges to sentence former Governor of Papua Barnabas Suebu to 7.5 years in jail for committing graft in the Detail Engineering Design (DED) of some rivers in Papua during 2008-2010 period.

In addition, the KPK’s prosecutor also demanded panel of judges to order Barnabas to pay Rp200 million in fine or serving additional 6 months imprisonment.

According to the KPK’s prosecutor, Barbabas has been proven guilty of committing graft altogether with Lamusi Didi, the president director of PT Konsultasi Pembangunan Irian Jaya (KPIJ), owned by Barnabas; and Johan Karubaba, the head of the Papua provincial administration’s Mining & Energy office.

Barnabas Suebu has been named as suspect altogether with Lamusi Didi and Johan Karubaba since April 3, 2015.

Barnabas served as Papua Governor for two periods (1988-1993 and 2006-2011). Ahead of the 2014 legislative election, Barnabas, who is former Golkar Party politician, joined Nasdem Party, led by media mogul Surya Paloh. He, however, failed to secure enough votes to sit as lawmaker at the House of Representatives (DPR). (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)